Eko-Okna S.A. offers aluminium sliding systems that can be both large and impressive yet very easy to operate. Even the largest of them, the ones with a single sash weighing up to 400 kilograms, can be operated without the slightest effort. It is ensured by the mechanisms used in each of the basic options for sliding solutions, i.e. tilt-and-slide and lift-and-slide systems, both with visible thresholds and with thresholds that disappear within the floor.
Aluminium sliding systems are an excellent choice for any space that should be representative and delight its users. It can apply to both commercial and typically residential interiors. The most striking rooms and façades can be created by choosing systems from Eko-Okna, which allow glazing from the floor to the ceiling. An entire wall may become transparent and will always be a pleasure to behold, significantly increasing the aesthetic value of the building from the outside.
The high durability characterising aluminium sliding systems is an important advantage of this solution. The strength and endurance of aluminium have a direct impact on the system's performance. It can be used to construct much larger sashes with thicker glazing, which lets in even more light and keeps the system warmer. On the other hand, lightweight systems can have profiles reduced to the absolute minimum.
Sliding systems are usually built to achieve the largest possible glazing to allow the user to enjoy what is behind the glass rather than the system itself. Aluminium sliding systems provide high rigidity and durability, making it possible to create truly large glazings with minimal profile visibility. What's more, the proposals prepared by Eko-Okna offer innovative solutions to reduce the visibility of other joinery elements.
Hotline: +48 572 337 243 Connection fee in accordance with the operator`s price list.
E-mail: quoteus@ekookna.com newclientus@ekookna.com Contact for business customers only.
Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241
KRS: 0000586067
Olszyny 9
44-373 Wodzisław Śląski
Naftowa 23
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle